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Burn Baby Burn

Another spectacular day we had full of Color War games and events. The morning was dedicated to Apache Relay and every camper counted!!! There are 52 events that each team must complete. Our campers piggy backed, leap forged, got wrapped with toilet paper, elephant walked to name a few. No matter if you ran the lake or shot a bulls eye, your part was equally important.  The intensity grew, as both teams were neck and neck. The lead switched twice right at the end but the Red Robbers came in first in this summers Apache Relay.

Boy’s camp had their swim meet today while girls ran track.  Everyone gave it their all and fought to the finish. The commitment every camper and staff showed today was unbelievably commendable. This is the time to shine and camp is shining bright right now. The songs, the cheers, the spirit, the wins, the losses all add up to one fabulous Color War.

The night belonged to Rope Burning. We all watched with great anticipation as the fire starters got their flames roaring. Red Robbers jumped out to an early start as their fire flared up with ease. The campers cheered with excitement and the spirit was off the charts.  We all got behind our teams today and participated in one longstanding Chen-A-Wanda tradition. As our CIT’s got emotional knowing this was their last official rope burning, you saw the spark engage in our first time campers as they now see what they have to look forward to for many years to come.  This tradition runs deep and connects the campers that have come before us, those that are here now and will still be here and alive for campers who will one day call Chen-A-Wanda their summer home.

There is just one more day for the battle between Red Robbers and Gold Cops. They have one more shot to give it there all and be part of something very special in summer 2011.

Chenny out.


Located in Thompson, PA | Coed 4 and 7 week session | Site designed by Sebago Visions