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Color War Rules!!!!!

The rain stayed away and the campers had a full day of games. The spirit was high and competition was fierce. It was a great day and the campers had a ball. The Red Robbers were decked out in red from head to toe while the Gold Cops shimmered in their gold hue. It was team spirit and pride that every competitor had on their minds.

The afternoon brought all of girls’ camp to the pool for their swim meet. There were individual races, relays and boating. The girls were there to bring points back to their teams and had such a great time doing it. As each girl did her part, she became part of something much bigger than herself.

As I watched the kickboard relays, there was one swimmer that fell behind a bit and her team was there for her encouraging her to finish strong and to give it her all. She lost that race, but popped out the pool with a grin so big that it brought smiles to everyone who watched. She said, “ I’m not that great of a swimmer and that was really hard but everyone kept me going and I finished… I feel great that I finished the race.” This is a great byproduct of what happens here during Color War. The team gets behind you and pushes you to that finish line!!!!

While all of girl’s camp was in the pool, the boys were at their track meet. There were individual sprints and relay races and the boys worked hard. It was a team effort at the meet today and the boys brought the spirit and support there too. They gave it 100% and ran their hearts out today. An unbelievable effort today!!!

Tonight was Skit Night and each team brought creative, unique and entertaining productions to the stage. They danced, they sang and they told their stories. It was a skit night that will go down in history as one to remember. Watching it unfold, one can only say, these campers and staff are having the time of their lives. You can be as goofy and silly and passionate as you can possibly be here. This is your turn to let loose and give it your all and that’s what each team did tonight, they brought it. All with smiles and spirit so high, the Rec Hall could hardly contain the energy inside of it!!!

Color War Rules!!!!!!!!!


Chenny out.











Located in Thompson, PA | Coed 4 and 7 week session | Site designed by Sebago Visions