The campers had a very special day based around past and present video games & characters. Our brilliant & creative Athletic Director, Dave Zeller had one goal in mind and that was to give our Freshmen thru Collegiates a day that would be insanely fun and different.
The day started with the bugles playing the tunes of Tetrus, Mario Bros, Legend of Zelda and Sonic the Hedgehog. Campers were a bit confused and some thought it was Color War but it took only minutes to join in the fun. They spent the day going activity to activity and had the greatest time. Check out what we played today:
Super Mario Brothers Relay Races on the Lower Field Asteroids Dodgeball in the Hockey Rink
Angry Birds at the Zone
Fifa 2011 at the Soccer Field.
Double Dribble on the Biddy courts
Cooking Mama in the Cookhouse
Tiger Woods 2011 on the Mini Golf Course
Shawn White’s Extreme Slip and Slide
Pirates of the Caribbean Deep Sea Treasure Hunt at the Pool
It was Movie Night for evening activity. The Freshmen, Junior, Middies and Inters were in the Rec Hall enjoying Monsters Inc. You could hear a pin drop as they sat, relaxed and enjoyed a great old flick. As the big kids on campus, the Collegiates gathered in the Chen-A-Plex and watched the blockbuster AVATAR. What a great end to a great day!!
Our Seniors returned from their Hershey overnight and were in a chocolate coma. They had a great time at the park and as they rolled off the bus with all there newly won stuffed animals and arcade prizes, one camper said “We had the best time but it’s great to be back home.”
The Supers, GC’s and CIT’s/Waits arrived in Boston and spent the day at Harvard Square. They loved seeing the sights on their first day in Boston. Then it was off to Blue Man Group and the show blew everyone’s mind. They are having a blast. More is in store for them tomorrow!!
A truly incredible day all around.
Chenny out!