Magical Monday
We had a very chilled out day today. There is an easy feeling as you walk through camp. From the lake to the Wiffle Ball Stadium, everyone is just enjoying being here. It truly is the most amazing place to spend your summers at. There was a drum jam session today at the campfire and everyone was just letting loose and making their own music. This is what happens here, creativity at its best.
Boy’s camp was busy with games today. Here are the scores from today:
Inter Boys Basketball – CAW 29 vs, Tioga 8
Senior Boys Soccer – CAW 6 vs. Poyntelle 0
Super Boys Basketball – CAW 52 vs. Tioga 46
GC/Waiter Volleyball tourney at Island Lake – CAW came in 3rd place. The boys showed great team spirit and sportsmanship. Proud of you boys!!!
What a special treat for our Freshman and Juniors tonight, as they loved having a twilight pool party. It was a perfect night for night swim and they loved every minute of it. They were doing cannon balls off the diving board, playing water volleyball and just hanging out with each other. Couldn’t possibly have more fun than this!!
The middies had their own private movie party. They grabbed their canteen and headed into the Chen-A-Plex to watch How to Eat Fried Worms. As the movie started, you couldn’t hear a peep. They were mesmerized and had the greatest night.
Inters, Collegiates, Seniors, Supers and GC’s rolled into the Rec Hall and played a series of beyond fun BINGO!!! There is something quite special being sprawled out on the floor with your friends playing a giant BINGO game. Even something as simple as Bingo becomes one of the most fun activities because we do it together.
These memories we make here will be with us forever. No matter if it was swimming at night, watching a great flick or just playing bingo…even the simple things are just plain magical!!!!!
Chenny out.