Summer 2011 Opening Day!!
What an amazing day we had. The buses rolled into camp and you could hear the cheering coming down Camp Rd. The excitement was building and as the doors to the busses opened, summer officially began!! Campers got off the bus and reunited with their summer family. The magic happened and the connections began. Friends who haven’t seen each other for months were hugging with excitement to be back with one another again and our new campers were right in the swing of things as each division played games and ice breakers. As you look across center camp, all you see are happy campers who have spent the last months counting down till today!! It’s finally here and everyone knows that for the next seven weeks, we are all home!!!
It was time to play and each division had their spot. Freshman girls had a great time playing GAGA and the Freshman boys had a ball playing mini golf. Junior girls got into a fantastic game of BBG and Junior boys got into a great indoor soccer game. Middie boys broke in the Whiffle Ball Stadium and the Middie Girls loved their GAGA game. Inter girls had a great time playing BBG and the Inter boys were on the court playing basketball. Collegiate boys were loving their kickball game while the Collegiate girls really had a fantastic time playing BBG. Senior girls enjoyed a game of kickball while the Senior boys got into a serious game of ultimate frisbee. Supers boys and girls and our GC’s were all together as they played Nuke’em. Our CIT’s got to know their campers and loved every minute of it.
We all had a great time in the Rec Hall for our evening activity as we introduced the staff to our campers and watched a video of highlights from summer 2010. The Rec Hall was buzzing with excitement for what is to come this summer.
All the campers went back to their bunks for their first night sleep. With all the anticipation and emotions that the day brought, we had some very tired campers. It was an amazing day here at Chen-A-Wanda and the great news is, we get to do it again tomorrow.
Chenny Out.