Current News


Today was a fantastic day at camp. All the campers had a full day of activities. The waterfront was the place to be. Campers were in the aqua park climbing the ice berg, jumping on the water trampoline, knee boarding, fishing and swimming. Those who weren’t interested in the water were having a great time making sand castles on the beach.

The juniors, middies and inters kicked off our Chenny Idol auditions today. It was a great turn out. The talent was supreme and the judges’ job will be quite difficult. The winner of Chenny Idol along with his/her bunk will receive Star treatment as they will be driven to a nearby restaurant in a limousine. There is quite a buzz on camp about this great event.

The evening activity was amazing. The campers were treated to a phenomenal break dancing show by In the Clutch. They spinned, twirled, popped and wormed across the stage. The campers loved the show

We are looking forward to our 4th of July celebrations tomorrow. Beach parties, pie eating contests, swimming and more.
Until tomorrow..

Located in Thompson, PA | Coed 4 and 7 week session | Site designed by Sebago Visions