Our Fiesta Banquet was Hot Hot Hot!!!
Tonight was our banquet and we had a Mexican Fiesta in our Dining Hall. Our tables were decorated with sombreros and maracas. The campers loved our mini tacos and fresh guacamole that our talented kitchen staff made. The Latin music was pumping and we were salsa dancing as we munched on chips and dip. The mood was set for a great night. Everyone was in their finest duds and ready for a great party. After dinner, we all settled in the Rec Hall as we handed out awards. Congratulations to our outstanding campers:
Honor Camper of the Year: Lower Camp- Brian Sussman & Taylor Younger – Upper Camp-Evan Nussbaum & Jessica Leason
Athlete Camper of the Year: Lower Camp- Jonathan Newman & Hannah Siegal – Upper Camp – Henry Tell & Bryn Weiner
All Around Camper of the Year: Lower Camp- Zach Fischberg & Olivia Hornik – Upper Camp- Jack Siegel & Aliza Borker
After the awards, we had DJ Jeff Yahney in the Rec Hall putting on an amazing dance party. It was a night to remember and a great way to end our amazing summer.
Chenny out.