Girls Sing!!!
Days like today define what camp is all about. Camp was buzzing about Girls Sing all day. All you saw throughout camp were clusters of girls practicing for the big show. The spirit and tradition that embody this camp favorite is a highlight of our summer. The costumes, the themes, the dances and songs. All of girls camp was excited to get on stage with their division and show their love for camp and the bonds that they share with their camp sisters. It is truly an amazing night here at Chen-A-Wanda and girls camp didn’t disappoint.
All 51 of our Junioritas performed the salsa and danced with that Latin flare. The Middies went Greek and wore togas. The Inters got married and all the brides and grooms walked down the isle together. Our Collegiates broke out of jail as they rocked the night away. Our Senior Citizens hobbled onto the stage with canes and grey hair strutting their stuff. The Supers were Superstitious in their dazzling performance of Disturbia. Our GC’s went GaGa tonight in a truly entertaining performance that embodied the essence of Lady GaGa. And finally, the CIT’s drifted into our hearts as The Pirates of the Caribbean.
There could only be one winner for Lower camp and the honor this evening went to our Inters. Congratulations to our happily married division. Upper camp was a tough decision but tonight’s honors went to our Pirated Princess CIT’s. The CIT’s ended the night by blowing out their candles and bidding their last summer adieu. Very heartfelt and emotional and goosebumps were on everyone in the house. Girls Sing 2010 will be a hard act to follow. Oh what a great night at CAW.
Chenny out.