Back to our regular activities
We had a great day today full of regular activities and hobby. Teams were out playing in their Wayne County games. The sun was shinning and the mood was fantastic at camp.
The cast of the Wedding Singer was busy rehearsing for their big show. All the campers were practicing their lines, singing the songs, dancing their numbers and getting ready the big night. They have all been working so hard, we can’t wait to see them up on the stage.
Tonights evening activity began as we honored our campers and staff that have been with us for 5, 7 and 10 years. Those who are celebrating their 5th summer here at CAW, were given a 5 year sweatshirt. Those who are spending their 7th summer here, received a 7 year sweatshirt and those who have been here a decade received a very special 10 year Chen-A-Wanda blanket. It was pure pride on the faces of our campers and staff as they walked up through the sea of our camp family to receive their very special gifts and it was our pleasure to honor them. They have made CAW their summer home and we hope that every camper in the Rec Hall tonight,will at some point get their own gift for being with us and part of this wonderful camp family.
After the gift giving ceremony, the campers laughed, giggled and were in awe of the hilarious Brent McCoy and his crazy show. As he juggled,joked and made things disappear in front of our vey own eyes, we all were entertained and loved it.
One thing is approaching very quickly and that is of course Visiting Day. The campers are getting excited as we prepare for your arrival. You can feel the excitement build as we are getting ready for the big day. We are enjoying every second of this summer and we can’t wait to have you all here this Saturday.
Chenny out.