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Spirit Day !!!!!

It was a great 4th of July here at Chen-A-Wanda. We started the day with having each division dress in any spirited way they wanted. All throughout camp, our kids were heading to their activities dressed as Egyptians, Sumo Japanese Wrestlers, Jamaicans, Native Americans and Israelis to name a few. Campus was dressed with Red, White and Blue decorations and the spirit was alive today as we honored American Independence Day.

We all gathered in the Rec Hall as our Head Staff entertained the camp with a comical, history revue of how our four fathers founded our country. Then it was off to the amphitheater for our Big Firework show. All the campers had glow sticks as they walked up the hill. Everyone got situated and settled into their seats and as America the Beautiful starting to play, the fireworks began. It was AMAZING!! We all just sat back, listened to the music and watched the most spectacular firework show in our own backyard. A magical day that we will never forget.

Can’t wait to see what tomorrow will bring.

Chenny Out.

Located in Thompson, PA | Coed 4 and 7 week session | Site designed by Sebago Visions