First Full Day – Activities are in full swing!
It was a fantastic day at Camp Chen-A-Wanda. The sun was shining and the kids were out playing and having a great time. All the kids took their swim test and passed with flying colors.
We had a full day of tryouts for both boys and girls that included soccer, baseball, lacrosse, basketball & softball. There were big turnouts and it looks as if Chen-A-Wanda will have some excellent teams playing this summer. All kids who tryout make the team at C-A-W!!!
The Official First Friend event was held today. All of our “Littles” met with their “Bigs” and played games and got to know one another better. It was great to see the older campers embrace and share their wonderful stories and experiences with our newest Chenny campers. This helped make the new campers feel welcome, connected and excited to be at Camp Chen-A-Wanda.
Tonight’s evening activity was comedian magician Michael Kent who dazzled the campers to a fantastic magic show. He performed great tricks that have the campers still baffled as to “how’d he do that?”
It was great day and we all can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.