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Red Rock Wins Color War!!!

Another great day of activities and color war games happened today at Chen-A-Wanda. The weather was hot, the play was intense and our hydration crew was out and about making sure all our campers were well hydrated with water and fruit. The race was still way too close to call and it was all coming down to tonight’s Sing competition.

Before Sing, it was our last meal of color war. Tonight was our silent meal. Either team is not allowed to speak a single word and would be penalized points if they uttered a sound. It was a quiet night and all the campers brought in paper and pens and wrote their conversations down. You have to experience a meal in our dining hall with 600 people and no one is talking.

Sing was fantastic and the costumes were creative. Red Rock was rockers, groupies and musicians while Gold Rap brought in the bling!! The banners and plaques were unreal. We have the most creative and artistic crew around and are so proud to hang those color war banners in our Rec Hall and the plaques in the Main Office. But ultimately it was the Cheer, Alma Mater and March of both groups that would deem with winner. Both Red Rock and Gold Rap put on amazing performances but in the end it was Red Rock that prevailed.

Even when you see the exhilaration and joy coming from all the campers on Red Rock, how quickly they go to their Gold Rap friends and hug them telling them what a great job they did. At the end of the day, these two teams that were divided these late five days suddenly come back together as one unified summer camp family. It’s truly amazing what this long standing tradition we call color war does. In the end, we went through it together and all ended up on the other side better because of it.

Goodnight Chen-A-Wanda…You all deserve the late wake up tomorrow.

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