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An Intense Day of Color War!

Without a moment to spare it was off to an action packed day full of Color War activities. The morning started with the Apache Relay, a 60 event long relay race in which every camper must play a part. Kids were elephant walking across camp, climbing the iceberg, swimming the pool, getting wrapped in toilet paper, and shooting bull’s eyes. Every camper was a small cog in a big machine, each one doing their part to bring their team to victory.

After Apache it was time for clue number seven in the Axe Hunt. It had been three and a half days and still no sign of the Axe. Within seconds of the seventh clue being read the teams sprinted up the hill to Chenny Village, but it was Justin Fields and Jessie Riess that won the footrace and found the axe. Twenty points were awarded to Gold Rap for finding the Axe.

The afternoon was jam packed with activities too. The boys went down to the pool and lake for their swimming and boating events while it was the girls’ turn for track and field. After their events it was time for Skit Night. Red Rock and Gold Rap brought down the house showing their singing, dancing, acting skills.

It was a great day for both teams. Red Rock is winning by 136 points, but as they say it all comes down to sing! There are over 1,000 points available on the last day of Color War and we wish the best of luck to both teams!

Located in Thompson, PA | Coed 4 and 7 week session | Site designed by Sebago Visions