Current News

Let the Games Begin

The weather was beautiful and the camp was in full swing of color war activities and games. The campers were dressed head to toe in their gold and red gear. Faces were painted, hair was sprayed and the spirit on camp was fierce. Our Gold Rappers were struttin’ their stuff and our Red Rockers were rockin’ it hard. Our kid captains were working hard, organizing their teams, and preparing for the five grueling days ahead.

The day started with Tugs of War for all our campers followed by and afternoon full of games. The evening was packed with mass games as our boys played mass softball and girls played mass BBG. After the mass games, it was off to contest night where each age group participated in a different relay race. Campers had fun bouncing on Hippity-Hops, cruising on Flying Turtles, and hopping in potato sacks. The evening finished with the traditional GC/Waiter basketball game that was enjoyed by the entire camp.

Despite receiving two clues today to help find the Color War Axe, both Red and Gold were unsuccessful in doing so, they will have to wait another day.

Our first day of color war was AMAZING and the campers are pumped for the next four days.

Located in Thompson, PA | Coed 4 and 7 week session | Site designed by Sebago Visions