Magical Monday
We had a great day yesterday. The lakefront was hoppin’ with action and the water trampoline was the place to be. Campers were flying off the blob and loving every minute of it. The beach was busy with campers building sand castle and the middy boys made a fiddle lake replica and took great pride in their creation.
It was packing night for the Supers, GC’s and CIT’s/Waits. They are headed out for their BIG Trip to Virginia Beach. Our Collegiates and Seniors got a night out at the movies while our Juniors, Middies, and Inters had a ball bowling.
Our 3 oldest divisions head out to Virginia Beach tomorrow (Tuesday) its back to Camel Beach for the rest of camp. Our last attempt was rained out and with today’s sunny forecast, the campers are happy to head back to Camel beach for a fun day at a fantastic water park.
Another fantastic day down at Camp CHEN-A-WANDA!