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Archive for June, 2011

A Perfect Camp Day!!!

Thursday, June 30th, 2011

Days like today make us all sit back and say, this is why we are here at this place. The weather was ideal, the mood was great and camp was full of happy campers.

Tons of games were played today and here are the scores:

Collegiate Boys Tennis /CAW 0 – Starlight 5

Collegiate Girls Tennis / CAW 0 – Starlight 5

Senior Boys Baseball/ CAW 7 – Equinunk 9

Super Boys Basketball / CAW 37 – Weequahic 20

Waiter Boys Softball/ CAW 18 – Nesher 6

The evening activity was “Round Robin” and the campers loved it. Each division had their own activity to play and what a great night it was.

Freshman Girls baked with Grandma and made her famous chocolate cake. Junior Girls loved creating giant art sculptures in Arts & Crafts from every random thing they could find around camp.  It was boys vs. girls in the Rec Hall as the Middy’s battled against each other in a giant dodge ball game. Our Freshman & Junior Boys were having the best time tonight under the lights in the Wiffle Ball stadium. Our Inter Boys and Girls went to the Chen-A-Plex for a movie. It was a nighttime pool party for all of our Collegiates. All the Seniors got into an intense kickball game and had a ball.  While the entire Super division played Ultimate Frisbee under the lights. Our GC’s had a cookie cake cook off in the Cookhouse and we couldn’t tell what was more fun, baking it or eating it!!!!

Days like today fill our hearts with pure camp joy. How lucky we all are to have moments like this in our lives. As we remind ourselves that for ten months our kids work hard, study harder and experience life’s daily stresses. But here at camp, we just play!


Chenny Out.








Another Fantastic Day!!

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

It’s amazing how much happens within our days here at camp. It’s only our 5th day and the friendships we have made look as if we’ve been together forever. That’s what happens here. We rely on each other as we all share this magical experience together. You will see groups of campers together in activities but it’s the conversations they have, the funny stories they share, the support they give one another that make this journey so worth it.

Our fields and courts were busy with games and Chen-A-Wanda swept every game we had today. Following are todays scores:

Senior Girls Soccer – CAW 5  Tyler Hill 3

Inter Girls and Under Tennis – CAW 3  Tyler Hill 2

Middy Boys Basketball – CAW 24  Tyler Hill 22

We are so proud of the great sportsmanship they all showed today.

Sign and Song was OUT OF THIS WORLD tonight. The best show we have had yet. The Rec Hall was packed, booming with cheers, chants, songs and dance.  Even our counselors who had the night off, stayed and in to watch the show. Standing room only and it was so worth it.  The plaques were fantastically creative and the girls dances were unbelievably great. Wait until you see the video.  The judges (our Group Leaders) had the hard decision to pick the winners but here they are.

Best Plaque

Lower Boys  – Bunk B

Upper Boys – Bunk P

Lower Girls – Bunk B

Upper Girls – Bunk W

Best Dance

Lower Girls – Bunk D

Upper Girls – Bunk W

It was a great camp night that we will all remember.  The lights are out and all are asleep. Summer 2011 has started off to be one amazing ride!!!

Chenny Out.






Tuesday, June 28th, 2011

We had another fantastic day here at CAW. Today was the first day of Hobby and the campers loved choosing what activity they wanted to do. There were more tryouts today for our Volleyball, Gymnastics, Lacrosse and Golf teams. All the campers who are interested in joining some teams have been busy working on their game.

We have three games here at CAW tomorrow (Wednesday) all against Tyler Hill. Middy boys basketball, Inters and under girls Tennis and our Senior girls soccer. They are all excited to play and we can’t wait to cheer them on. Go CAW!!!!

It was a big day for our Chenny Actors as the cast for West Side Story was announced. The excitement is contagious as the cast members are psyched about the big show. Our talented cast is ready to entertain us and this show looks to be award winning.

Love was in the air tonight and we caught the fever with The Chenny Dating Game!! Each division played and it was hilarious. Our bachelors and bachelorettes had a great questions and fantastic answers to make the perfect match. A great night full of laughter and love!!!

As the campers are getting used to their activities and schedules, we are all melding into one big summer camp family. It is a sight to see and great to feel. We are all so very lucky to be here and experience the magic of this safe, warm and welcoming summer home.  Only day 4 in and we are loving every minute of it!

Chenny Out.



Monday Funday!!!

Monday, June 27th, 2011

What a day we had up here at CAW. Days like today define what a fantastic camp day should be. The sun was shinning, the mood was great, the campers were energetic and you could feel the joy of being here. It was full day of activities and the campers loved it.

It was big day of auditions for our Theater Department. We had well over 100 campers trying out for our show, West Side Story. Everyone headed up to the studio and rehearsed their parts. Some campers sang, some campers danced and some got dramatic and acted out scenes. They were all terrific and were so proud of their auditions. Bravo to our Chenny Stars!!!

Today was busy day for our Athletic Department with tons of tryouts on both girls and boys camp. Girls camp had tryouts for Basketball, Soccer, Tennis and Softball teams. Boys camp had tryouts for Basketball, Baseball, Tennis, Roller Hockey and Baseball. We have fantastic athletes here at CAW and can’t wait till the tournaments start.  This summer will be filled with fantastic sport instruction, terrific tournaments and great sportsmanship. Our athletes can’t wait to get out there and play!!!

We ended the night with a fantastic evening activity. Project Dynamite thoroughly entertained us with their comic juggling act. The campers loved it. All you heard were roars of laughter and cheers from the Rec Hall as our campers enjoyed being entertained tonight. A great show!!

We are in full stride and loving every minute of it. As one new camper said to us today, “This place just makes me happy. Life really is Great at Chen-A-Wanda.”

Chenny out.


First Full Day And We Are Flying High

Sunday, June 26th, 2011

The sound of reveille rang through camp this morning waking up all of our campers.  You could feel the energy throughout camp this morning, as all the campers were eager to start their day of activities.  The sun was shinning and it felt great to be here. There is something very special about waking up in this place. You know that the day is going to be full of fun activities and you get to play all day long and that is exactly what we did today.

Boys camp had their swim test in the morning and girls followed in the afternoon.  Now that the tests were complete, campers could enjoy the lake and pool and boy did they!!!

On girls side it was all about Sign and Song.  Each bunk gathered together as they chose their song and started practicing their dance. All you saw across camp were groups of girls working together, laughing together, connecting and getting the moves down. It was fabulous watching the bonding occur. You simply couldn’t tell who were the new campers and who had been here for many years. That is the magic of this place. We all become one big summer family and it happens this quickly.

It was a Deal or No Deal kind of night in the Rec Hall and the campers got into it. Those campers who were chosen to play kept looking at their division for guidance. Was taking a deal for a pizza party for their division a good deal or should they keep picking cases looking for a better one? We all had a ball and in the end, everyone group got a great deal.

First full day of summer 2011 was a great one. We can’t wait to see what tomorrow has in store for us.

Chenny out.



Summer 2011 Opening Day!!

Saturday, June 25th, 2011
What an amazing day we had. The buses rolled into camp and you could hear the cheering coming down Camp Rd. The excitement was building and as the doors to the busses opened, summer officially began!! Campers got off the bus and reunited with their summer family. The magic happened and the connections began. Friends who haven’t seen each other for months were hugging with excitement to be back with one another again and our new campers were right in the swing of things as each division played games and ice breakers. As you look across center camp, all you see are happy campers who have spent the last months counting down till today!! It’s finally here and everyone knows that for the next seven weeks, we are all home!!!

It was time to play and each division had their spot. Freshman girls had a great time playing GAGA and the Freshman boys had a ball playing mini golf. Junior girls got into a fantastic game of BBG and Junior boys got into a great indoor soccer game. Middie boys broke in the Whiffle Ball Stadium and the Middie Girls loved their GAGA game.  Inter girls had a great time playing BBG and the Inter boys were on the court playing basketball. Collegiate boys were loving their kickball game while the Collegiate girls really had a fantastic time playing BBG. Senior girls enjoyed a game of kickball while the Senior boys got into a serious game of ultimate frisbee. Supers boys and girls and our GC’s were all together as they played Nuke’em. Our CIT’s got to know their campers and loved every minute of it.

We all had a great time in the Rec Hall for our evening activity as we introduced the staff to our campers and watched a video of highlights from summer 2010. The Rec Hall was buzzing with excitement for what is to come this summer.

All the campers went back to their bunks for their first night sleep. With all the anticipation and emotions that the day brought, we had some very tired campers. It was an amazing day here at Chen-A-Wanda and the great news is, we get to do it again tomorrow.

Chenny Out.

The Malboro Bus Has Arrived!!

Saturday, June 25th, 2011

The Malboro bus has arrived safely at Camp CHEN-A-WANDA.


The Maryland Campers Have Arrived!!

Saturday, June 25th, 2011

The Maryland Campers have arrived safely at Camp CHEN-A-WANDA!

The New York Buses Have Arrived!!

Saturday, June 25th, 2011

The New York buses have arrived safely at Camp CHEN-A-WANDA.

The Woodcliff Lake Bus Has Arrived!!

Saturday, June 25th, 2011

The Woodcliff Lake bus has arrived safely at Camp CHEN-A-WANDA.

Located in Thompson, PA | Coed 4 and 7 week session | Site designed by Sebago Visions