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Camel Beach… Round 2

Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

We attempted Camel Beach earlier this summer but were rained out. With high demand from our lower camp campers, we went back and boy did we have a great time. The sun was shining, the temps were high and Camel Beach was the place to be. We swooshed down the waterslides, played under the water sprouting mushrooms and got carried down the giant water toilet bowl. It was a perfect day.

Our Supers, GC’s and CIT’s/Waits are having a great time in Virginia Beach. They had a fantastic time at Kings Dominion Amusement Park and all are looking forward to a relaxing day at the beach tomorrow (Wednesday).

Life is so great here at CAW!!!

Magical Monday

Tuesday, July 28th, 2009

We had a great day yesterday. The lakefront was hoppin’ with action and the water trampoline was the place to be. Campers were flying off the blob and loving every minute of it. The beach was busy with campers building sand castle and the middy boys made a fiddle lake replica and took great pride in their creation.

It was packing night for the Supers, GC’s and CIT’s/Waits. They are headed out for their BIG Trip to Virginia Beach. Our Collegiates and Seniors got a night out at the movies while our Juniors, Middies, and Inters had a ball bowling.

Our 3 oldest divisions head out to Virginia Beach tomorrow (Tuesday) its back to Camel Beach for the rest of camp. Our last attempt was rained out and with today’s sunny forecast, the campers are happy to head back to Camel beach for a fun day at a fantastic water park.

Another fantastic day down at Camp CHEN-A-WANDA!

Yippie Kay Yay!

Monday, July 27th, 2009

It was another great day of full activities at Camp Chen-A-Wanda. Girls camp set the bar high with a fantastic Girls Sing so the boys are rehearsing tirelessly for Boys Lip Sync. We are all looking forward to see their stuff next week at their show.

We had a rip roarin’ time at our Western Hoedown. It was our mid-summer social & the campers were line dancing in their cowboy boots and ten gallon hats. Party Hardy played rockin music and the campers had a ball. It was great night and everyone danced till they dropped.

Stay tuned for what’s to come tomorrow.

Happy 70th Birthday CHEN-A-WANDA

Saturday, July 25th, 2009

What a fantastic day we had today. The sun was shining and all the activities were busy with happy campers. It was just one of those great camp days that standouts as spectacular.

It was our 70th Birthday Party and we played old school party games like they did way back then, including hot potato, pin the tail on the donkey and twister. There was a beautiful birthday cake and hundreds of Chenny color cupcakes for everyone at the party. As we sang Happy Birthday to this place we all love, we had the staff who has been here for 10 years plus stand in honor of our past. Then we asked the juniors to stand to represent our future… then together as one, the whole camp stood to represent the present. What a gift to have our summer family, standing together honoring the 70th birthday of this amazing place we call our summer home.

Happy Birthday Chen-A-Wanda !! We’ve never looked better.

Girls Sing ’09 Decided…

Saturday, July 25th, 2009

It was a fabulous Friday at Camp Chen-A-Wanda and the campus was gearing up for the evening’s big show, Girls Sing. All the divisions were putting the finishing touches on a week’s worth of hard work and preparation. Our girls were buzzing around camp dressed as aliens, characters from fairy tales, cheerleaders, and much more!

Each division spent countless hours writing songs and preparing dances that fit the theme they decided on. The themes were:

  • Juniors: Jai Ho
  • Middies: Motown
  • Inters: Intertwined
  • Collegiates: Ever After
  • Seniors: High School Musical 3 – Senior Year
  • Supers: Supernovas
  • GCs: In It To Win It
  • CITs/Waitresses: Circus

Although all of our girls did a fabulous job, at the end of the night there could only be two winners. After much suspense, it was our Juniors and CIT/Waitresses that took the prize. They will be treated to an Italian food party here at C-A-W. Everyone did an amazing job and it will be the boys’ turn next week to show their stuff!

Powder Puff Under the Lights

Friday, July 24th, 2009

It was a great day full of activities and fun. Girls campus was in heavy duty practice mode for tomorrow night’s Girls Sing. All the divisions are working hard on their performances. This tradition runs deep at Chen-A-Wanda and everyone is looking forward to the big show.

As the day fell into dusk, it was all about Powder Puff! The flag football game was on between our GC girls & our CITs/Waitresses. The GCs dressed in black and the CITs/Waitresses were all in white. The competition was fierce and the stakes were high. Which of the divisions would hold the title as our 1st official Powder Puff Champions? The GC boys and CIT/Waiters got into the action as they cheered, danced, twirled and provided our halftime entertainment. Wait till you see the video. You have to see it to believe it.

After four quarters, it was official. THE GC’S WON IT ALL in a 21-7 Victory. Congratulations to all our tough football playing girls and our extremely spirited cheer boys!!!

Another fantastic day at CAW.

And the Winner is…

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009

The entire camp crowded into the Rec Hall for the Big Chenny Idol finale. Zach Grossman, Carly Wills and Elliana Sutton performed 2 songs each. Their first performance was a song of their choice and each sang I’ll Be There by Michael Jackson for their second.

Each performance was fantastic and the crowd sang along, chanted and cheered. Then it was time for the results… each camper voted for their favorite and as the crowd waited, we tallied the votes.

Travis “Seacrest” brought all three finalists out to center stage and made the announcement: “Elliana Sutton is our Chenny Idol”. It was a close race to the finish. All three did an amazing job and we are so proud of each one of them.

As the winner of Chenny Idol, Elliana will be treated like a star, she will have a limo waiting to take her and her entourage (bunk) to a restaurant for a night of fun and great food. She will also have her name on a Chenny Star of Fame, which will be permanently displayed outside our School of Rock.

CHEN-A-WANDA Took Over Dorney Park

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009

We loaded the buses and headed to Dorney Park for a day of roller coasters and water slides. The weather was questionable but we kept the faith and were on our way. The hint of potential rain kept everyone else out of the park so it seemed as if we had it all to ourselves. The campers had a great day at the park.

The campers will enjoy late wake up tomorrow. They played all day and are looking forward to the extra sleep.

Another amazing day spent with our Chen-A-Wanda family.

We are all anxiously awaiting tomorrow’s final Chenny Idol Show and who will be crowned our Chenny Idol!

Marvelous Monday

Monday, July 20th, 2009

Just one of those fabulous camp days… lots of sun, lots of playing, lots of memories being made.

The Show off Show came back to CHEN-A-WANDA and it was hilarious. The campers laughed and winced as they watched this funny guy contortionist, twist himself into a pretzel (literally) and then actually fit his whole body thru a toilet seat. You have to see it to believe it. It was awesome and disturbing all at the same time.

Dorney Park tomorrow……Can’t wait!

Getting Right Back in the Groove

Sunday, July 19th, 2009

After a fantastic day spent with family and friends on Visiting Day, we had late wake up and a full day of activities and games. Everyone just got right back into the swing of things.

The weather was beautiful today and center camp was busy with Girls Sing practice. But the talk around camp was, “who will be in the Chenny Idol finals?” With all the Idol chatter buzzing around camp…it was time to announce the finalists. After lunch, everyone was called to the Rec Hall and the announcement was made. Your Top 3 Chenny Idol Finalists are:

  • Carly Wills
  • Ellianna Sutton
  • Zach Grossman

They will be singing their final songs on Wednesday evening in hopes to be crowned our 1st Chenny Idol.

Our evening ended with an outdoor, under the stars movie. All the campers brought their blankets, sleeping bags, pillows and creek chairs and enjoyed watching an oldie but goodie, BIG!!!

We wonder what tomorrow will bring…

Located in Thompson, PA | Coed 4 and 7 week session | Site designed by Sebago Visions