Another Standout Day
With all the excitement from Visiting Day, tired set in so we had scheduled a late sleep in. Everyone was so appreciative of getting some extra zzzzz’s. The weather was perfect again today and when activities started the campers got right back into their schedules. Everyone enjoyed seeing their families yesterday but it was back to business at Chen-A-Wanda today.
Our Chenny athletes suited up and were ready to play. Here are the scores from today’s games.
Junior Girls Soccer – CAW 5 vs Lohikan 1
Inter Boys Softball – CAW 4 vs. Lavi 3
Inter Boys Basketball – CAW 16 vs. Starlight 37
Inter Girls Tennis – CAW 1 vs Starlight 4
GC/CIT Girls Lacrosse – CAW 9 vs Wayne for Girls 20
We were all outside tonight watching our GC’s vs CIT’s in the annual Powder Puff Game. The girls looked fierce with determination to win tonight. The campers were cheering on the players and got to watch some great football. There were long passes, fakes, spikes and touchdowns!!! Lots of action on the field and the campers were into the fun competition. There could only be one winner and tonight the GC’s brought home the win!! Great game girls!! And the boy cheerleaders were fantastic as well.
It amazes us how much we pack into a day here. The fun never stops and as the sun rises, we know that we have a full day of amazing activities to enjoy. Being here is just joyful.
Chenny out