Getting Right Back in the Groove
After a fantastic day spent with family and friends on Visiting Day, we had late wake up and a full day of activities and games. Everyone just got right back into the swing of things.
The weather was beautiful today and center camp was busy with Girls Sing practice. But the talk around camp was, “who will be in the Chenny Idol finals?” With all the Idol chatter buzzing around camp…it was time to announce the finalists. After lunch, everyone was called to the Rec Hall and the announcement was made. Your Top 3 Chenny Idol Finalists are:
- Carly Wills
- Ellianna Sutton
- Zach Grossman
They will be singing their final songs on Wednesday evening in hopes to be crowned our 1st Chenny Idol.
Our evening ended with an outdoor, under the stars movie. All the campers brought their blankets, sleeping bags, pillows and creek chairs and enjoyed watching an oldie but goodie, BIG!!!
We wonder what tomorrow will bring…